How Burnout Ruins Your Brain And Body And 5 Tips To Reverse The Damage
Burnout changes the brain's structure, function, and stress resilience. Don't lose hope - positive daily changes rewire and rebuild the systems that matter.

I sat in the communal office toilets, leant against the cubicle wall, and sobbed uncontrollably. My IBS and indigestion was awful, I was dog-tired, had brain fog, and my chronic pain was on fire.
How had I ended up here? I’d been ignoring the signs for months but it was clear - I had burnout again.
What exactly was going on in my brain and body during this time? As a neuroscientist and therapeutic and art-based coach specialising in burnout, I’ve always been curious about how people function. I read scientific papers, studies, and personal accounts every week. I’m a bona fide neuro nerd.
I wanted to revisit the neuroscience and psychology literature to discover why burnout had such a disastrous impact on my mind, body, and soul, and that of my clients. It was ruining my work and home life.
Well strap in folks, as we’re deep diving into these neuro nerd findings below!
Firstly, let’s remember what burnout is. Burnout is a profound state of chronic stress, and our unhealthy response to it has measurable effects on the brain, body, and overall health.
Burnout is multifaceted and affects mind, body, and soul
It’s more than stress alone, though. Burnout has three dimensions with its roots in unrelenting, chronic stress:
Physical and emotional exhaustion (weariness) - you’re so tired and low energy that standard rest doesn’t restore your energy and enthusiasm.
Detachment and cynicism (withdrawal) - you disengage from what you’re doing and feel negative about it all. Nothing is worthwhile i.e. what’s the point?
Reduced professional achievement (worry/self-doubt) - your ability to achieve falters because your memory, focus, and judgment fails. Even if you are effective, you don’t feel you are as self-doubt and self-criticism creeps in.
Through my habitual burnouts over the past 15 years, I’ve recognised my burnout signature related to each dimension:
Extremely physically exhausted and fatigued, worsening memory, scattered focus, and slower to complete tasks. Emotional exhaustion shows up as being quick to cry, irritable, and losing trust in others. I make more mistakes due to tiredness and rubbish focus, so my perfectionism bumps up in a desperate attempt to minimise fears of failure, and getting called out.
Detachment and cynicism are very strong for me - I become very openly negative and critical to people around me, lose interest in what and why I’m doing tasks, and lose motivation. Procrastination increases due to low interest and distraction. I know what I should do - I just don’t care.
Losing confidence in my abilities shows up as increased people-pleasing and self criticism. I believe everyone thinks I’m rubbish and incapable. It takes me longer to get stuff done because I’m double-checking it over and over. Decision-making is harder because I lose confidence in my skills and wisdom. I second-guess almost every choice. As a leader, this is a nightmare when people look to you for leadership. Awkward.
Your burnout signature might be similar, or have specific differences based on your background, and biological, psychological, and social (biopsychosocial) experiences. This is why self-awareness is such an important first step.
Know and recognise your response to take informed, wise action.
Your brain structurally changes under burnout - no wonder everything is so bl**dy hard
From the research, using various neuroimaging techniques (e.g. MRI, fMRI, EEG, etc), the evidence indicates there are structural changes to regions of the brain - changes in volume and changes in how certain networks and regions connect and function.
Regions in the brain are highly networked, and recent research supports the view where different neural configurations could produce the same mental state (degeneracy).
Looking at specific regions alone doesn’t give the whole story though. How those regions function and connect to other parts of the brain (i.e. general purpose networks) during specific activities (context) is crucial.
The more traditional view of fixed and specialised circuits and function is still supported by some research, so as usual, understanding the brain isn’t cut and dried.
Predictive Coding Theory:
According to neuroscientist and psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett and other researchers, the brain constructs emotions and cognitions based on predictions from past experiences and current sensory inputs (Predictive Coding Theory). If the prediction matches the sensory data, all good - we know how much effort and attention is needed. When it doesn’t, the brain explores what caused the prediction error.
It updates its prediction and interpretation i.e. learning, so it recognises how to predict better the next time, and respond effectively i.e. mobilise the body and metabolism for action or non-action.
Burnout significantly impacts several key brain regions and networks involved in these prediction processes, executive functions, emotional regulation, and the stress response. That’s why it impacts so many aspects of life.
Neurocognitive networks and function:
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), is crucially connected to several key brain areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the parietal cortex (PC), the basal ganglia (BG), and the hippocampus. The DLPFC is key to several neurocognitive networks, including the cognitive control network, default mode network (DMN), fronto-parietal network, and executive control network (ECN).
These networks support key functions such as conflict monitoring, controlling attention, action planning, self-regulation, and memory integration. Burnout and stress research indicates reduced activity in the DLPFC, which disrupts these connections and impairs cognitive control, executive functions, adaptability, and managing complex tasks.
The hippocampus loses brain volume too, affecting memory and learning. Burnout can result in reduced activity in the ACC, which disrupts how related networks function. This relates to lower motivation, impaired error detection, and a reduced ability to manage conflicting information. A recipe for confusion, right?
These network and regional dysfunctions might explain my poor memory function and decision-making struggles. It explains why my prioritisation skills and performance tanked. We also become more rigid in our approach to the world and tasks because we’re less adaptable. Trust me, I get so stubborn when I’m burnt out, but often don’t know why I’m stuck on a certain idea or course of action.
Emotional regulation:
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) plays a crucial role in emotional and cognitive processes through its connections with the amygdala, striatum, hippocampus, and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). According to Predictive Coding Theory, the VMPFC helps construct and regulate emotions by integrating predictions based on past experiences (biopsychosocial ones) with sensory inputs from the body.
Here’s an example from a work meeting: one of my colleagues is pretty jokey with me, and I am with them. We take the p*ss out of each other in good humour. When I’m not burned out, it’s super fun, and builds our trust and rapport. I have a consistent emotional response and interpretation to the situation because it’s familiar.
Burnout impairs this regulation process though, leading to increased emotional reactivity and reduced reward sensitivity. It’s harder to apply past experiences to decision-making, which is how burnout affects the brain’s predictive and emotional regulation systems. The amygdala becomes hyperactive in chronic stress and burnout too, leading to heightened stress responses and emotional reactivity. Our predictions and emotional constructions get skewed.
During my burnout when I was in another meeting with my colleague, I got irritated with the joking, then agitated, and teary instead. What the heck?! My emotional regulation and decision-making was way off, and this added stress because I didn’t know why it was happening.
How many times have you said to yourself, “this never usually bothers me?”. It’s because it likely never did. Your brain predictions aren’t working normally, so you respond in an alien way.
Reward processing systems:
The brain’s reward systems involve key structures such as the nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area, striatum, PFC, amygdala, and OFC, which interact to process, evaluate reward values, and integrate reward signals. Predictive Coding Theory suggests these systems rely on accurate predictions and feedback to regulate motivation and behaviour. Essentially, what’s the reward value of the effort you’ll put in - is it worth it?
Burnout disrupts these predictive processes, impairing the brain’s ability to generate and adjust reward expectations. This leads to reduced reward sensitivity, lower motivation, and altered emotional responses.
This blunted reward response could be why you stop getting things done, and don’t enjoy what you used to like. Under burnout, the first things I drop are exercise, hobbies, and social interactions. I just can’t be bothered because they don’t feel as good. They are all effort and no reward.
Coupled with emotional exhaustion, we become detached and cynical because nothing is enjoyable, and your usual zest for life bleeds away. This could cascade to deeper psychological distress leaving you feeling miserable.
Neurochemical and hormonal imbalances change under burnout, making your stress response rubbish
The normal stress response is great. This complex physiological reaction involves the release of hormones and neurochemicals super fast. It does what it needs to do in the moment. Primarily, get our body ready for a challenge, an activity that needs effort (physical or mental), or a threat.
It involves the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, connecting the brain to the body through adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary gland, which prompts the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. This mobilises glucose release into the blood so we’re ready to respond flexibly, and maintains homeostasis. This is how our body maintains a stable internal environment despite external changes.
Chronic stress is a different beast though. When the stress response is continually triggered with no time for restoration and homeostasis, the chemicals released impact wider parts of the brain and body they’re not meant to. We don’t clear them out and return to baseline as quickly as we should. This impacts our stress resilience because the HPA axis becomes dysregulated - we get rubbish at managing stress.
In the early stages of chronic stress and burnout, we often see elevated cortisol levels, leading to persistent fatigue and disrupted sleep i.e. insomnia. I experienced these symptoms first-hand, with chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances that seem to align with elevated cortisol levels during burnout. I couldn’t get to sleep, and then I couldn’t stay asleep, worsening my fatigue.
Paradoxically, persistent burnout leads to a blunted cortisol response where the body produces inadequate cortisol during stress. The longer my burnout went on (whilst I ignored it basically), I noticed a severe lack of energy and difficulty coping with stress regardless. This may have been due to this blunted cortisol response.
If you feel like you just can’t cope with more stress, when you used to handle a lot, notice how long you might have felt burnt out.
Physical health consequences of burnout are wide-ranging and impact multiple physiological systems
During my most recent burnout episode, I’m pretty sure I had the longest sore throat known to mankind. I was perma-sick. I caught every bug going and couldn’t shift it. Over weeks and months, I was miserable. I felt so ill, not myself, and there was a new mental or physical issue to contend with every day. Yep, it sucked.
Burnout significantly weakens the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections. A 2019 study found burnout was associated with lower levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), a crucial antibody in immune defence. Makes sense why I was getting perma-sick and not improving.
I’ve got terrible gut issues right now. I’ve had issues for years (IBS symptoms and food sensitivities) since working in very stressful jobs, but this year it peaked. Emerging research on the gut-brain axis reveals burnout can lead to gut dysbiosis, increased gut permeability, and systemic inflammation (through elevated inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (PS, I have this!).
This drives changes in gut microbiota (trillions of microbes within our gut that support normal and healthy function unless it becomes imbalanced), influencing abdominal pain, indigestion, and mood changes when toxins get into the brain.
Over time, burnout also elevates the risk of cardiovascular problems such as hypertension and heart disease. So far, I don’t have any cardiovascular issues or markers, but it’s worth tracking blood pressure, heart rate and staying active to maintain cardiovascular fitness and flexibility.
The path to recovery and resilience is there, if you take burnout seriously
When you realise how wide-ranging and negatively burnout impacts your mind and body, it’s bizarre how we ignore it so willingly. There are many factors at play here though - denial, fear of change, believing burnout is normal, struggles with prioritising self-care, incorrect beliefs that we’re weak, can’t cope, etc.
Pick whichever ones are relevant for you and add your own. When you realise how much decision-making, judgment, and stress resilience gets affected, it’s even easier to understand why we struggle to stop and choose recovery.
Well, if you take anything away from this article, it’s this: burnout will destroy your brain and body if you do nothing. That’s harsh but it’s a fact. Luckily, we’re not ‘do nothing’ people here. We eventually listen to our screaming body and make helpful changes because we want to work on things that are important and matter.
Once again, self-awareness is the first step. Notice the early signs of burnout and how your burnout signature develops. It could be persistent tiredness, sleep issues, gut problems, poor memory, etc. When your emotional regulation falters and you get cynical or detached, or blow up at the kettle, please take action.
Luckily, our minds and bodies are stronger than we give them credit for. I’ve had habitual burnout, but I’ve also had habitual recovery too. I recognise the signs quicker, and recovery is quicker when I do the things I know work.
Using Predictive Coding Theory, you can change the data, conditions and context your brain and body use and alter your brain’s predictions about what’s going on. This changes the subsequent actions you take. In very crude terms, put new stuff in the hopper, and new stuff comes out.
I explain this process to my clients to show how changing our context, behaviour, and how we interpret sensory data from the body, updates the biopsychosocial experiences our brain uses to predict our interpretation and response.
Restoring your body and calming your nervous system reverses your stress and HPA axis dysregulation. Once your stress resilience improves, you’ll become better at handling stressful situations again.
Find what works for you so you stick to it.
5 burnout recovery tips to reverse damage to the brain and body
The best burnout recovery strategies include changes to lifestyle, mental processes, and behavioural habits (coping strategies).
When you’re under burnout though, it’s hard to know where to start. Everything feels overwhelming and crap. If that’s the case, focus on self-awareness first and notice what’s going on.
Once you’ve defined your burnout signature, pick one focus area. I tend to prioritise biological ones, because of the significant physical and brain impact (see above!).
Helping your body heal will support the deeper changes related to mental processes, emotional regulation, and updating coping strategies.
Here are 5 burnout recovery tips and the minimum amount suggested by the research so you know what’s needed to try it out:
Mindfulness and meditation: 5 minutes daily
As little as 5-10 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day reduces stress impact and improves emotional regulation.
You don’t have to sit on a yoga mat and say ohm if that’s not your vibe. I watch urban foxes or other garden critters every day to connect to the present moment, and retrain my attention so I don’t spin into worry-mind.
Sleep: 30 extra minutes per night
Increasing sleep duration by 30 minutes improves moods, alertness, and performance. Wow, sleep has a big impact on my burnout recovery. Unfortunately I have two sleep-terrorist cats who are determined to prevent my sleep - the things we do for love.
Either get to sleep earlier, or stay in bed longer, if possible. Remember, sleep habits start when you wake up. Review your day to target when to get into bed, and limit screens, light, and other stimulants before sleep. Sleep is key for learning, emotional processing, and healing the body.
Exercise: 10 minutes of physical exercise
Exercise has many universal brain and body benefits. It helps train the cardiovascular system, clears waste products from several physiological systems, and improves mood and reduces anxiety.
You don’t need to do an ironman or 15 spin classes a week if you’re exhausted. During my recent health issues, I’ve stuck to gentle stretches, walking, or using bands and light weights. Consistency helps and builds confidence in your mind and body. Just move.
Diet: include one nutrient-dense meal or snack daily
‘Garbage in, garbage out’ is a well-known and correct statement when it comes to wellbeing. Nutrient-rich foods include foods like leafy greens, berries, nuts or whole grains.
The gut-brain axis is powerful, so what you eat impacts your brain, mood and behaviour. When you’re busy, life is hectic, or burnout has left you exhausted, please find as easy a way as possible to eat at least one decent meal a day.
Rest and recovery: 5-minute break per hour:
Taking short, regular breaks reduces mental fatigue and improves focus. Even if it’s a few minutes looking out of the window, it helps reduce mental fatigue and maintains performance.
Working, study or focused attention is expensive for the brain. This one is hard to incorporate if your job means you’re in back to back meetings during the day. Much of my day job is like this during hectic periods. It’s hard to find time for a bathroom break! But even a micro-break helps. Schedule them into your calendar if you have to.
These are a few suggestions from the research, but look at what’s worked for you in the past and reintroduce that. It could be hugging a loved one on the sofa at the end of the day, or relaxing with a pet.
Pick one thing and commit to a small daily activity to kickstart your brain and body recovery.
Key takeaways
I’ve picked out the most useful aspects of how burnout ruins the brain, body, and mind to explain the symptoms. The research provides substantial evidence but it’s not perfect. More long-term studies need to be done to understand causes and vulnerabilities, and how these impact.
However, my personal examples might resonate with yours to explain how the physical changes impact our thoughts, feelings and emotions. I often describe burnout as death by a thousand cuts. These changes don’t happen over night. They don’t happen over 14 nights. They occur over a longer time period, under persistent levels of chronic stress with insufficient recovery and restoration time.
This puts pressure on the brain and general networks core to how we function in the world. Structural changes occur which impact our ability to manage stress, and it’s a vicious burnout cycle.
The best part though it this situation is reversible, through brain or neuroplasticity at all levels (synaptic to network). People are resilient b*ggers! You just have to listen to your mind and body, and choose recovery.
Pick one of the 5 burnout recovery tips below if you’re unsure where to start:
Mindfulness and meditation: 5 minutes daily
Sleep: 30 extra minutes per night
Exercise: 10 minutes of physical exercise
Diet: include one nutrient-dense meal or snack daily
Rest and recovery: 5-minute break per hour:
Don’t let burnout take over your life and ruin how you work, play, create, and connect with others. Start small but stay consistent.
Over time, you’ll feel, think, and function better. Put your health and recovery needs first - your brain, mind, and body will thank you for years to come.
Which one burnout recovery tip will you try and why? Or if you’ve been burnt out in the past, what helped? Let’s share!
Sabrina, your article is a must-read for anyone who's ever experienced burnout. You've done an amazing job of breaking down the science in a way that's both informative and relatable. I love your emphasis on self-awareness and taking action. Your 5 recovery tips are so practical and achievable.
Very comprehensive and enlightening coverage ! It seems Writing down the burnout experience may also help, besides asking for help such as you provide. All part of making life more and more complicated with so called modernity and an overflow of worldly information.