Ooh I loved this! I hadn't heard of using your ideal day as a way to work out your core values - I love that! I realised autonomy was way higher up there than I usually give it credit for when I just pick them out of a list. Also loved the realisation about how our fear based beliefs drive our unhelpful behaviours. I've been playing small a lot recently and this gave me lots of points for reflection. Thank you! :)

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Thanks Cassie! I still need to reply to your latest post - so many things to follow up on that! I'm glad the ideal day resonated. I use that quite frequently in my coaching work, spending the bulk of a session on it. Many people don't know what they're aiming for or what they care about. We adopt so much from others. Fear keeps us stuck longer than it needs to. Let me know which bigger changes you want to swing for!

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For anyone who grew up in a house with no boundaries, it's hard to know what they look like. Love the graphic that prompts us to think about different boundaries and what they might be :-)

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Thanks Wendy, and you're right - with no experience of having boundaries, the world becomes even more chaotic. Glad the graphic resonated - so much of what we struggle with is helped when we take a pause and choose what to do next. Not easy but it's a skill to develop.

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RemovedJul 21Liked by Sabrina Ahmed
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Thanks for reading and your comment Somy. Small changes and appreciating those efforts help over time. Let me know how it goes for you. The hardest thing I find with these habit changes is sitting with discomfort. That's when we tend to give up or let others take over again. Knowing this is best for the long run and realising the discomfort will fade has helped me a lot.

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RemovedJul 21Liked by Sabrina Ahmed
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Such a great technique Somy - remembering what you're doing it for gives handy perspective. And those past successes - we often forget the wins from the past but it's such a goldmine for what's worked for us before. Keep going!

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