Hello, lots of good ideas in this article, I support the idea of slowing down and do less. I just have (as a word nerd) a question : is it possible to replace "obsessed" regarding quality by some other word that can go in the same direction without the perfectionism subtext?
Hello, lots of good ideas in this article, I support the idea of slowing down and do less. I just have (as a word nerd) a question : is it possible to replace "obsessed" regarding quality by some other word that can go in the same direction without the perfectionism subtext?
Thanks Nathalie. I see people use excellence instead of perfection. So it has an element of the higher quality about it but it’s less judgment heavy - not sure that’s quite it but I love your question.
Hello, lots of good ideas in this article, I support the idea of slowing down and do less. I just have (as a word nerd) a question : is it possible to replace "obsessed" regarding quality by some other word that can go in the same direction without the perfectionism subtext?
Maybe something as focus on quality? Or else?
Thanks Nathalie. I see people use excellence instead of perfection. So it has an element of the higher quality about it but it’s less judgment heavy - not sure that’s quite it but I love your question.
Makes me consider the labelling of the behaviour.
and thanks for your articles, it's definitely food for thought
Appreciate that Nathalie!