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Hmm...I like that reframe a lot to "I AM Good Enough."

How's this feel to you, Therese?

"I AM BETTER than good enough"

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Go Donna! Yessss!

I AM BETTER than good enough


WAY BETTER THAN good enough

Much more positivity.

Love it.

Thanks Donna!

Way Better than.

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Whys are atomic questions. (Ooh, I like that!) Take care with their precise wording for the subconscious proceeds to answer and believes it as the truth

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Glad you're riffing on these ideas and making them personal!

This is how we take these lessons and use them for our self-growth journey x

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Okay then, I'll convert this to a well-crafted why question to reprogram the subconscious:

Why AM I BETTER than good enough?

Thanks much for the nudge, Sabrina ЁЯдЧ

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Thanks for the double nudge, budge or gentle flick against my hip with yours.

I effing love it.

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