Thank you! I remember near the beginning of our acquaintance, my friend said I brought up so many interesting points, they wanted to cover all of them and not let anything go neglected. I was happy to hear that, but didn't realize that it would grow into dread later on, haha. So I'm glad we could clear that up.
Thank you! I remember near the beginning of our acquaintance, my friend said I brought up so many interesting points, they wanted to cover all of them and not let anything go neglected. I was happy to hear that, but didn't realize that it would grow into dread later on, haha. So I'm glad we could clear that up.
Later in the day yesterday, my friend was honest with me too. They were uncomfortable with some things I said in the group chat. So for context, my friend is a very popular Pokemon fanfic author, kind of like a niche celebrity. Ah, they asked me if I could refrain from making such huge fan enthusiasm, borderline fan worship comments in the chat? Since they don't want to be put on a pedestal, or for others in the group to start seeing them as some big creator and everyone else to be fans. They just want to be seen as one of many contributors and enjoyers of the fandom.
Oh man! There were some other folks who made very enthusiastic comments about my friend before, but maybe not as egregious as my comments yesterday. I apologized and said I was glad they were able to be honest with me. Since that gives me the confidence that they can be honest with me in the future, so I don't need to guess their intentions!
They also didn't love it when I said, "Would you like me to call you by masculine terms? (Since they called themselves a "guy"). If so, I'd be happy to and give you gender euphoria!" My friend said it's strange to hear someone say they can give them gender euphoria, as that's something only they can give to themselves. Oooh good thing they told me, since me and some other friends often use such phrasing. Yeah we can't actually make people feel things, even with benign intentions.
So that was a roller coaster. I felt sick to my stomach that I made my friend uncomfortable. :'( But I know I am forgiven. I think a perhaps hidden plea, is that my friend wants me to stop seeing them as some superior being, and just see us as equals. Maybe it's a note for me to take myself more seriously too. (I did tell them that I think highly of myself as a writer, though, haha. But I'm more experienced with original fiction, and am newer to fanfiction writing.)
Yeah my friend is just a really good person. They are uncomfortable being elevated above other people. Wow many other people, maybe including me, would not have the humility to ask their fan friend to stop gushing about them, lol. I'd probably just bask in all that praise. XD
Thank you! I remember near the beginning of our acquaintance, my friend said I brought up so many interesting points, they wanted to cover all of them and not let anything go neglected. I was happy to hear that, but didn't realize that it would grow into dread later on, haha. So I'm glad we could clear that up.
Later in the day yesterday, my friend was honest with me too. They were uncomfortable with some things I said in the group chat. So for context, my friend is a very popular Pokemon fanfic author, kind of like a niche celebrity. Ah, they asked me if I could refrain from making such huge fan enthusiasm, borderline fan worship comments in the chat? Since they don't want to be put on a pedestal, or for others in the group to start seeing them as some big creator and everyone else to be fans. They just want to be seen as one of many contributors and enjoyers of the fandom.
Oh man! There were some other folks who made very enthusiastic comments about my friend before, but maybe not as egregious as my comments yesterday. I apologized and said I was glad they were able to be honest with me. Since that gives me the confidence that they can be honest with me in the future, so I don't need to guess their intentions!
They also didn't love it when I said, "Would you like me to call you by masculine terms? (Since they called themselves a "guy"). If so, I'd be happy to and give you gender euphoria!" My friend said it's strange to hear someone say they can give them gender euphoria, as that's something only they can give to themselves. Oooh good thing they told me, since me and some other friends often use such phrasing. Yeah we can't actually make people feel things, even with benign intentions.
So that was a roller coaster. I felt sick to my stomach that I made my friend uncomfortable. :'( But I know I am forgiven. I think a perhaps hidden plea, is that my friend wants me to stop seeing them as some superior being, and just see us as equals. Maybe it's a note for me to take myself more seriously too. (I did tell them that I think highly of myself as a writer, though, haha. But I'm more experienced with original fiction, and am newer to fanfiction writing.)
Yeah my friend is just a really good person. They are uncomfortable being elevated above other people. Wow many other people, maybe including me, would not have the humility to ask their fan friend to stop gushing about them, lol. I'd probably just bask in all that praise. XD